Following guidelines, JLH are now open for face to face counselling consultations. However, strict social distancing guidelines are still in plcae. JLH are still able to offer telephone or Skype
All face to face sessions will be assessed in relation to Covid-19.
Questions will include:
Have they had Coronavirus symptoms?
Have they recently tested positive for Coronavirus?
Has anyone in their household recently tested positive for Coronavirus?
Are they currently living in a household with someone who is shielding from Coronavirus?
Only clients who can answer NO to all of the above, AND are not currently in isolation from Co-vid 19, nor any of their household, CAN attend the White House for their session.
Otherwise they can choose video link or telephone sessions.
The current policies of the BACP and other regulating bodies and EAP providers are available on their websites.
Social distancing arrangements are in place with hygiene measures in the public areas at
The White House and within the consulting room.